Try a job you like, become "shadow" of professional. Find dream job or get new experience in unusual profession.
Share you experience and earn money. You can help someone, or find a future assistants.
Give the opportunity to some of your fans try your workday. Earn money for charity, or other goals.
You choose profession? Or realize that you have chosen the wrong career?
There is a new, more reliable way to choose a profession.
TryMyJob - is a "job shadow" service, where you can find professionals and try their typical work day.
In this way you will see pros and cons of professions that you like, and you will learn and find-out a much more than is telling on courses or in the magazines.
Everyone has own vision of dream job, but only professionals know their careers much better than typical advisers - parents teachers or friends.
Try before to buy - now this also applies to choice of professions.
If you love your job, and work more than year, then you have the opportunity to share experience,
try to be a "few day" mentor, and help others make the right choices in life.
Let Someone Try Your Job!